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Hi luke, absolutely love your character, can i include the free version inside a demo of an open source project of mine? With credits of course :)

Of course, you're free to use the free version for any non commercial project, i'm glad you're liking the asset so far!


maaaaaaaannnnnnnnn i have to pay 10$ only for commercial licence

10$ is for the whole bundle ( commercial license and access to paid content for all 4 asset packs )
You can buy them individually on the end of the page of each asset.


actually i planned to make a udemy course and use ur assets
but it's wroten i cant redistibute it and it doesnt make any sense to use assets and not providing them

it's too bad coz they fit perfectly for what i want (zelda like rpg) and i would even be ready to pay few bucks for it

Yes, you can't redistribute the asset because that would destroy my product, as you could get it for free somewhere else.

But it's possible to discuss a standalone version of the asset for educational use, my asset has been used before for the same reason (check None's Class RPG series)
Send me a message at Discord: lukethepolice if you're interested to discuss the idea.

(3 edits)

ok i will maybe do that

anyways thanks for your offer

just a note: i plan to sell that course (idk if you will only accept to redistribute in a free educational content or paid course isnt a problem for you)


Vim pelo NoNe, posso usar seus sprites como base para criar os meus? pegar inspirações nas animações? tanto dos personagens como os Tiles?
Você e muito talentoso com arte, parabéns pelo trabalho!

Opa, Sim claro, se você possui a versão paga do asset você pode usar elas em jogos comerciais como base e até expandir dentro do próprio estilo.
Oque você não pode fazer é revender o asset do jeito que está ou modificado, mas o uso em jogos comerciais é liberado sim, essa é a ideia da licença paga.

E também não tem problema usar eles como inspiração para fazer um asset seu se quiser, contanto que não seja nada feito por cima do que já existe e sim uma inspiração.

Fico feliz que tenha gostado! qualquer dúvida mais a fundo você pode me contatar pelos links disponíveis no meu perfil


Hi Luke!

I just bought your assets pack and it's look great so far!

There is only one thing, that I can't find: any stairs/ramp, so player can get to the high grounds...?

Best Regards,


Hey! I'm glad you're liking the asset so far, thanks!

The asset don't have any ramps or stairs so far because i didn't really designed the asset to have different levels of depths which the player can walk on. ( as you can see the top of the high walls don't have any grass textures, they are flat. )

But i do plan to add 3D locomotion for the asset soon, stairs, ramps, props and objects to be used on them, and different ways to get there too. stay tuned for new updates!


Hey and thanks for the quick response!

Yes, I also thought that this was a feature, not a bug :))

It would be great to see future updates, I'm sure they will expand the game world even more!

One more question: I followed you on Twitter and sent you a DM, would you please check it out?

Have a nice Sunday!

thanks for warning me xD my twitter rarely notifies me about new messages, sent you a reply!


vim pelo NoNeclass

A série está ficando super legal, espero que esteja gostando dos assets também!


Hey! I used some of of the tiles in my small game!

I just played it!, very solid concept for a game, nowadays vampire survivors-like and roguelikes are very popular, if you want to build a full game in the future i really suggest to keep pushing on those genres.

Also, you always should use assets with a similar resolution, all the pixels in the game have to be the same size. For instance: Maybe if you scale a 16x16 sprite to fit the same size of a 32x32, it would look as each pixel in the 16x16 are twice as bigger than the 32x32 sprite, and this can make your game loose artistic consistency, but that's just a small tip from a artist xD 

I'm very glad you liked my asset!


Thanks for the feedback! The process for this game was definitely chaotic, but I just wanted to put something together with free assets. If I ever decide to work on something bigger, I will do better (hopefully) :D


Hi man, any updates for easter? :D Would love to buy a separate cave pack

I'm pretty much done with the next update, this time featuring some lightlamps, torches and other light sources.

I've been on vacation this last week visiting a friend, that's why there's nothing new yet, but i'm finally home and can start it again. You can expect the next update somewhere next week!

And yes, i plan to do a cave pack somewhere in the next months. But the focus for now are new content for this asset. But as soon as i have a playable character and  some basic enemy added, i can start a new pack.


Sweet :D I'm looking forward to more assets from you :)


Could you add cliffs and cave entrance to the cliff tiles?

Do you have an estimated time of when there will be more content? Looking for assets for my game and I really like this one but don't want to be slowed down because I don't have sprites I need. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Also, let me be your first customer :) Thanks for the products!


Would also be great if you could divide the tileset more and without the purple color in between. That way it's a lot faster to slice the tileset in Unity. 

Vegetation folder might be missing the ground tilesets.

(1 edit) (+1)

For now the vegetation is actually a lot ground based. but as i said before, i'll be adding some new variety to the next update, probably some different bushes.

You can expect it coming out on the next days!


Aah, I kind of misunderstood "vegetation". My bad :)

Was thinking that it was the grassland tileset since it was missing from that folder.


That's a great idea!
Right now i'm pretty much done with the first update, i'll be adding the hit and desctruction animations for the single barrels and crates and probably some new variety to the scenario.
I'll try to add the cliffs and cave entrance to the tile for this first new update!


That's good to hear! :) Already started to implement your sprites. Would be awesome if you could add a tent when you feel like it so it can work with the campfire. 

Can't wait for you to expand this universe!